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When using the recruitment portal ("Portal") provided by Parpus Limited ("Company," "we," or "us"), it is important to prioritize your safety and security. Please read and adhere to the following safety guidelines to ensure a positive and secure experience:

1. Protect Your Personal Information:

1.1 Confidentiality:

Do not share sensitive personal information, such as your, bank account details, or passwords, through the Portal. Legitimate employers will not ask for this information during the initial stages of the recruitment process.

1.2 Privacy Settings:

Regularly review and update your privacy settings within the Portal to control the visibility of your personal information. Ensure that your contact details and resume are only visible to employers and authorized users

2.Verify Job Opportunities:

2.1 Research Employers:

Before applying for a job or interacting with an employer on the Portal, research the company to ensure its legitimacy. Visit their official website, check their online presence, and read reviews or testimonials from other candidates or employees.

2.2 Cross-Check Information:

Verify the job details provided in the job postings on the Portal. Look for consistency in job requirements, responsibilities, and salary range. Be cautious if the job description seems vague or unrealistic.

3.Safe Communication:

3.1 Employer Contact:

Communicate with employers through the secure messaging system provided by the Portal. Avoid sharing personal contact information until you are confident about the legitimacy of the employer and have progressed to a more advanced stage of the recruitment process.

3.2 Professional Language:

Maintain a professional tone and language in all your communications with employers. Be cautious of any request for inappropriate or personal information.

4. Meeting Precautions:

4.1 Public Locations:

When meeting with employers or recruiters in person, choose a public location, such as a restaurant, coffee shop or professional setting. Avoid private residences or secluded areas.

4.2 Inform Others

Inform a friend, family member, or trusted individual about the meeting details, including the location, time, and name of the person you will be meeting. Consider sharing their contact information as well.

4.3 Trust Your Instincts:

If something feels uncomfortable or suspicious during a meeting, trust your instincts and prioritize your safety. It is acceptable to end the meeting and leave the premises.

5. Reporting Suspicious Activity:

5.1 Unauthorized Job Postings:

If you come across any suspicious job postings or employers on the Portal, report them immediately to the Portal administrators or customer support team. Provide any relevant details or evidence to assist in their investigation.

5.2 Suspicious Requests:

If an employer requests sensitive personal information, inappropriate activities, or payment for job applications or interviews, report this behavior to the Portal administrators using the email address

6. Privacy Policy and Terms of Use:

6.1 Review Policies:

Familiarize yourself with the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of the Portal. Understand how your personal information is collected, used, and protected by the Company.

6.2 Compliance:

Adhere to the guidelines, terms, and conditions outlined in the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use to ensure a secure and compliant use of the Portal.

Remember, your safety is of utmost importance. If you encounter any suspicious activity, scams, or concerns related to your experience on the Portal, please report it immediately to the Company's support team or administrators.